
How to use Ambu Bag

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How to use ambu bag

Manual resuscitator (ambu bag) with oxygen tubing, reservoir bag
and pressure limiting valve.
The manual resuscitator is available:

□SILICONE manual resuscitator
□PVC manual resuscitator
□SEBS manual resuscitator

□Pediatric ( Child )

The manual resuscitator is available with or without masks.
100% Latex Free.

Intended use

The resuscitator is intended for pulmonary resuscitation.
The range of application for each version is:

  • Adult: Adults and children.
  • Pediatric: Children and infants.
  • Infant: Infants and neonates.

The ambu bag can be used as normal for continued oxygen supply
and assisted ventilation.

Silicone manual resuscitator (Silicone resuscitation bag, silicone mask)
Item No. Name Material Remark
1 Face mask Silicone Neonate 0#
2 Face mask Silicone Infant 1#
3 Face mask Silicone Child 2#
4 Face mask Silicone ,PC Adult-S 3#
5 Face mask Silicone ,PC Adult-M 4#
6 Face mask Silicone ,PC Adult-L 5#
6-a Mask connecter Silicone  
6-b Mask cover PC  
6-c Mask cushion Silicone  
6-d bolt Silicone  
7 connecter PC  
8 lid PC  
9 Patient valve disk Silicone  
10 Patient valve PC  
11 Pressure Limiting valve PC , silicone, steel 60cmH2O
12 Pressure Limiting valve PC , silicone, steel 40cmH2O
13 O-ring Silicone  
14 Bag connecter PC  
15 Adult Resuscitation bag Silicone  
15-a Resuscitation bag Silicone  
15-b Intake valve disk Silicone  
15-c Cap PC  
15-d Intake valve PC Available
(all in 1 inlet valve)
16 Pediatric Resuscitation bag Silicone  
17 Infant Resuscitation bag Silicone  
18 Inlet valve PC Available
18-a Inlet valve disk Silicone (all in 1 inlet valve)
18-b valve stand PC
18-c Excess valve disk Silicone
18-d Cover PC
19 Reservoir bag 1600 ml EVA , PP  
20 Reservoir bag 2000 ml EVA , PP  
21 Oxygen tubing PVC  
PVC/SEBS manual resuscitator (PVC/SEBS resuscitation bag, PVC mask)
Item No. Name Material Remark
1 Face mask PVC Neonate 0#
2 Face mask PVC Infant 1#
3 Face mask PVC Child 2#
4 Face mask PVC Adult-S 3#
5 Face mask PVC Adult-M 4#
6 Face mask PVC Adult-L 5#
6-a / /  
6-b Mask cover PVC  
6-c Mask cushion PVC  
6-d / /  
7 connecter PC  
8 lid PC  
9 Patient valve disk Silicone  
10 Patient valve PC  
11 Pressure Limiting valve PC , silicone, steel 60cmH2O
12 Pressure Limiting valve PC , silicone, steel 40cmH2O
13 / /  
14 Bag connecter PC  
15 Adult Resuscitation bag PVC / SEBS  
15-a Resuscitation bag PVC / SEBS  
15-b Intake valve disk Silicone  
15-c Cap PC  
15-d Intake valve PC Available
(all in 1 inlet valve)
16 Pediatric Resuscitation bag PVC / SEBS  
17 Infant Resuscitation bag PVC / SEBS  
18 Inlet valve PC Available
18-a Inlet valve disk Silicone (all in 1 inlet valve)
18-b valve stand PC
18-c Excess valve disk Silicone
18-d Cover PC
19 Reservoir bag 1600 ml EVA , PP  
20 Reservoir bag 2000 ml EVA , PP  
21 Oxygen tubing PVC  

Assembly structure:
Manual Resuscitator function:
1. This product must be used by personnel thoroughly trained in the techniques of
pulmonary resuscitation.
2. Clear patient’s airway before using manual resuscitator.
3. Always check for proper function of resuscitator.
4. Verify proper valve action. Verify patient is being ventilated by observing alternate
rise and fall of the patient’s chest and color of lips and face during resuscitation.
5. Always make functional test of the resuscitator after unpacking and assembly.
6. Do not use the resuscitator in toxic or hazardous atmospheres.
7. Oil or grease should not be used in close proximity to oxygen equipment – fire may result.

  1. Do not smoke or use open flames when oxygen is in use – fire may result.
    9. PVC/SEBS manual resuscitator are disposable. It is for use on a single patient only. No reprocessing must be done. If reusable may cause cross infection between the patients.

Set up manual resuscitator:
Full extend the bag of resuscitator (Adult and pediatric version). Prior to using the resuscitator. Visually proper valve action while spueezing the resuscitator. Connect patient valve into outlet of mask. If resuscitating with high oxygen concentration,full extend the oxygen tube, attach oxygen nozzle adapter to proper oxygen source. Connect reservoir bag. Set oxygen flow not to exceed 15 LPM or on the order of a physician

Test for correct function


  1. Connect a 1.5 liter test lung to the patient connector. Squeeze and release the resuscitator several times. and check that the test lung fills. During continuous ventilation, expansion and relaxation of the test bag must be visible. If not, check the inlet valve shutter and the patient valve shutter.
  2. Close the pressure limiting valve and the patient connector with a thumb while compressing the resuscitator bag firmly to check tightness and proper valve fitting.
  3. Open the pressure limiting valve and close the patient connector with a thumb. The pressure limiting valve should now be activated and it should be possible to hear the expiratory flow from the valve.
  4. Reservoir bag: Supply a gas flow of 3.0 L/min to oxygen tube. Check that the reservoir fills. If not, check the integrity of the two valve shutters, or for a torn reservoir or a blocked oxygen tube.

Operating instructions

  1. Open mouth, clear airway of all foreign matter and fluids. The use of an Emergency Aspirator is recommended. Tilt head fully back wards and push the jaw upwards with neck stretched to open the airway.
  2. To assist ventilation it may be beneficial to insert an artificial airway. Be careful that it does not push the tongue back and thus obstruct the throat.
  3. Hold mask tightly to victim’s face, covering mouth and nose, tilt head fully backwards, mask-holding
    hand lifting jaw forward. Squeeze the bag smartly and watch chest expand.
  4. Release pressure on the bag suddenly and allow the chest to deflate. Repeat 12 – 20 times per minute, or 30 times in the case of infants. If continued resistance to insufflation is encountered, check for airway obstruction or correct the backward head tilt. If adequate ventilation is not achieved with the resuscitator, immediately revert to expired air ventilation (mouth-to-mouth, or mouth-to-nose).
  5. The correct ventilation frequency may vary. Please follow the current ventilationfrequency recommended by national or international guidelines.
  6. If the patient vomits during mask ventilation, immediately clear the patient’s airways of vomitus, then freely compress the bag a few times before resuming ventilation.
  7. Adult Version: The pressure limiting valve is open at 60 cmH2O.

Pediatric and infant Version: The pressure limiting valve is open at 40cmH2O.

Caution: A hissing sound can be heard when the device opens.

  1. If higher pressures are required, press and spin the button while squeezing the bag, the pressure limiting valve is overridden.
    High ventilation pressures may cause lung rupture or stomach distension on certain patients.
  2. Administer oxygen reference to “Specifications” or according to medical indications.


Silicone resuscitator reference above“Assembly structure”:Unscrew “8” from

“10” , remove “10” from “14” ,Unscrew “15-c” from “15-d” .

Do not disassemble “7” from “8” .


Silicone resuscitator reference above“Assembly structure”and“Resuscitator function”.


Clean and sterilize:
The silicone resuscitator (except O tubing and reservoir bag) wash with 0.2% Javel
water and Rinse in clean water,then send for autoclaving 5 minutes up to 134℃ or
15 minutes up to 121℃. The silicone resuscitator (silicone mask,bag and valves) is reusable 20 times only. The
oxygen tubing and reservoir bag are disposable.
It must be replace before reusable.

The resuscitator conforms to the standard:ISO 10651-4

It also conforms to Directive 2007/47/EC and Council Directive MDD/93/42/EEC

concerning Medical Devices.

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